What is a programing Language?

What is a programing language

What is a Programming Language?

In this post, I'll tell you what exactly is the programing language? Maybe
you are learning one of the languages like c, c++, java, etc, or maybe going
to start with one as a beginner.

A Programming Language

So the programming languages provide the easiest way of writing the
instructions to the machine in a language that can Machine understand and
what is that simply a sequence of 0's and 1's. We can't write programs in
0's and 1's because it's too hard. So the programming language comes into
the place to help us.

A programming language provides a totally different way of writing
instructions to computers. In order to write a program in a specific
language, you have to follow the rules of that language for example its

Actually, you are not writing the codes to the computer, Instead, you are
writing codes (also called source code) to a compiler (Translator ) which
understands your codes and generates instructions or binary codes for the

Now you can think, programming languages are just tools to feed
instructions(a set of instructions: program) to the machine.

Now you know what exactly a Programing language!

What's a Compiler, Interpreter?

Every programming language has a compiler or interpreter which is
responsible to generate binary codes by reading your source code or You can
say it translates your codes into 1's and 0's.

The compiler reads all the lines from the source and converts that into
binary. However, the Interpreter does a slightly different job it reads a
single line at a time and converts it at runtime. After execution of the
current line, the interpreter converts the next line. Thus all the code
converted into machine code.

There are a lot of programming languages around the world, You can read more
about them
these Languages has different purposes and specialities, and each language
has its own advantage and disadvantage.

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