Largest Cycle in a Tree : hackerearth problem

hackerEarth Problem - Largest Cycle In A tree

We are given a tree of N nodes and N - 1 edges. We have to find out two nodes
in the tree such that if we add an edge between them then we get a large cycle
with a maximum no of nodes as shown below.

For the above tree, adding an edge between nodes 10 and 16 creates a big
cycle. We can find these two nodes in two different ways. 

We'll try to find the furthest node from the root node first, and then the
furthest node from the previous furthest node in the second attempt. Those two
farthest nodes will lead to our correct solution.

Solution in Kotlin code

import java.util.*

fun main() {
    var total = 0
    var furthest = -1

    val scan = Scanner(System.`in`)
    val N = scan.nextInt()

    // one space extra because of zero
    val tree = Array<ArrayList<Int>>(N + 1) {

    val vis = Array(tree.size) { false }

    repeat(N - 1) {
        val a = scan.nextInt()
        val b = scan.nextInt()

    fun dfs(src: Int, len: Int) {
        val S = Stack<Int>()
        vis[src] = true

        while (S.isEmpty().not()) {
            val top = S.peek()
            for (node in tree[top]) {
                if (vis[node].not()) {
                    vis[node] = true

            if (top == S.peek()) {
                if (S.size > total) {
                    total = S.size
                    furthest = top

    dfs(1, 1)
    val a = furthest
    total = 0
    dfs(a, 1)

    println("$a $furthest")

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