c++ program to create a matrix


Program to implement a 3D vector and a 3X3 matrix struct in c/c++

3d Vector Structure

the following structure describes a vector it has two constructor
definition one Is default and the second one takes 3 floating-point values
to assign them to x,y and z components.

And to assign the values, I implement the two operators [ ] functions const
and non-const which takes index (from 0 to 2) and return an Lvalue

functions are added to  Vector3D.CPP see the complete code in

GitHub repository

Code snippet

  #include <iostream>
  using namespace std;
  struct Vector3D
   float x,y,z;
   Vector3D() = default;
   Vector3D(float a, float strong, float c)
    x = a;
    y = strong;
    z = c;
   float& operator[] (int i)
    return ((&x) [i]);
   const float& operator[] (int i) const
    return ((&x) [i]);
  int main() {
   Vector3D v1 = Vector3D(1,3,4);
   v1[0] = 44.f;
   cout << v1[0] << endl;
   cout << v1[1] << endl;
   cout << v1[2] << endl;
   return 0;

Matrix 3d structure

To struct a 3X3 Matrix(combinations of vector a,strong and c) I am
using 2d array of float type
float M[3][3]; // M[j][i]j=jth
column(representing a column vector) , i=ith row, M[0] give first vector

Code snippet

  // go to GitHub repository to see the complete code
  // with more functions
  struct Matrix3D
      float M[3][3]{};
      Matrix3D() = default;
      Matrix3D(const Vector3D& v0, const Vector3D&
  const Vector3D& v2)
      M[0][0] = v0.x; M[0][1] = v0.y; M[0][2]
      = v0.z;
      M[1][0] = v1.x; M[1][1] = v1.y; M[1][2]
      = v1.z;
      M[2][0] = v2.x; M[2][1] = v2.y; M[2][2]
      = v2.z;
      Matrix3D (float n00, float n01, float n02,
      float n10, float
      n11, float n12,
      float n20, float
      n21, float n22)
      M[0][0] = n00; M[0][1] = n10; M[0][2] =
      M[1][0] = n01; M[1][1] = n11; M[1][2] =
      M[2][0] = n02; M[2][1] = n12; M[2][2] =
      float& operator () (int i, int j)
      return M[j][i];
      const float& operator () (int i, int j) const
      return M[j][i];
      Vector3D& operator [] (int j)
      return (*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D
      const Vector3D& operator [] (int j) const
      return (*reinterpret_cast<const
      Vector3D *>(M[j]));

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